Renowned director Quentin Tarantino has made a surprising decision regarding his upcoming 10th film, ‘The Movie Critic’. The film, set to star Brad Pitt, has been cancelled, leaving fans and critics alike wondering what Tarantino’s next move will be.
Pitt, who has previously collaborated with Tarantino on ‘Inglorious Bastards’ and ‘Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood’, was reportedly set to star in ‘The Movie Critic’. The film, set in 1977, would have revolved around a movie critic writing reviews for a porn magazine, with Pitt rumored to reprise a version of his role as Cliff Booth.
Tarantino had received a significant $20.2 million subsidy from California for ‘The Movie Critic’, which was identified as his 10th and potentially final film as a director. The director had expressed his love for shooting in California, but with the cancellation of the film, it is unclear if the subsidy will be used for a different project.
While there is no indication of what Tarantino’s next project may be, fans of the director can only speculate on what may come next. With a unique and innovative approach to filmmaking, Tarantino’s next project is sure to generate excitement and interest in the industry.
As the news of the cancellation of ‘The Movie Critic’ spreads, movie buffs and fans of Tarantino’s work will eagerly await updates on the director’s next move. Stay tuned for more updates on Quentin Tarantino and his future projects.
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